Building Applications with Deep Learning: Expectations vs. Reality
Nowadays, building applications involves many technologies. There are technologies to render user interfaces, to retrieve and store data, to serve many users, to distribute computing, etc. Increasingly, certain requirements imply the usage of neural networks. So what is the reality of building enterprise applications with the available state-of-the-art neural network technology?
Flowchart vs flowchart
Just recentlly I was about to hold release planning workshop with domain experts of the customer. And to my huge surprize this customer were prepared! They made diagram that displayed current process. And I must admit I liked it. I am using word “flowchart” to denote way my customer prepared their diagram because it displayed…
Knowledge in software development
Part of this interview “Ivar Jacobson on UML, MDA, and the future of methodologies” where Mr Jacobson comments on main differences between software development methods based on explicit knowledge and those based on tacit knowledge lead me to thoughts I am willing to express in this post on knowledge within software development (methodology). I am…
Bring Emma to kindergarten: Requirements outline (2)
This Entry is dedicated to my project Use Case “Bring Emma to kindergarten”, Please read the project page first to get the general idea. Here it is, formalized requirements outline from the previous post. Requirements Outline Chapter 1. Purpose and Scope 1a. What is the overall scope and goal? – Main goal is to bring…
Bring Emma to kindergarten: Requirements outline
This Entry is dedicated to my project Use Case “Bring Emma to kindergarten”, Please read the project page first to get the general idea. Although we discuss only one use case, Terms & Conditions still apply. And, since we have a social kind of use case where all the “human stuff” is very important because…
Bring Emma to kindergarten: usage narrative (2)
This Entry is dedicated to my project Use Case “Bring Emma to kindergarten”, Please read the project page first to get the general idea. Well, besides ugly handwriting what else can we say about two usage narratives from the previous log? Let us put side by side all the artifacts described in two narratives like…
Bring Emma to kindergarten: usage narrative
This Entry is dedicated to my project Use Case “Bring Emma to kindergarten”, Please read the project page first to get the general idea. Alistair Cockburn suggests In this narrative, invent a fictional but specific actor and briefly capture the mental state of that person – why he wants what he wants or what conditions…